More SOS Pics and SOS Nutrition Report


Bec's SOS Nutrition Report
Nutrition for this race would have been VERY tricky if we had done the full course (ride/run/swim/run/swim/run/swim/run), but since the hurricane shortened course was something between an olympic and a half iron distance race, I decided to go with my traditional nutrition plan, adapted for the reverse order of events.  
I started off the morning with coffee with honey and a bowl of gluten-free oats with almonds, dried cranberries, raisins, salt & maple syrup.  I also mixed a full strength EFS lemon lime electrolyte drink in a bike water bottle and drank most of this before I left the house and finished it up during the 15 minute bike warm up to the race start.  Just before the race started I ate 2 FRS energy chews.
Since the bike was first in this race, I was able to wear a bike jersey, which was key--for warmth and for pockets!  On the bike, I brought a bottle of EFS and a 1/2 full flask of vanilla EFS liquid shot.  I didn't bring a full flask because I knew I wasn't going to need all 400 calories and didn't want to carry any extra weight up the hills.  During the ride, I drank from the water bottle about every 10 minutes and took in the EFS shot about 5 miles before the last big climb.  On the run, I carried with me an EFS shot flask that was diluted with water.  I sipped from this for the first 7 miles until I was finished with it.  I also grabbed water from the aid stations.  Looking back, I probably didn't drink enough water on the run because by the time I got to the swim, I was really thirsty and actually drank some of the lake water (on purpose).  Maybe this dehydration contributed to the cramps I experienced about halfway through the swim, but more likely the cause was the cold water.  After hobbling to the finish line, my post-race nutrition was a cup of hot veggie soup.  

Here are some additional photos from SOS taken by Martin Weiner.


Bec climbing at about mile 27, just about to move into 2nd place. 



Laurel, enjoying the ride and taking in the scenic overlook of the Catskill Mountains.



This was the view from about mile 9 of the run.  


Bec & Laurel surviving the day with Phil Vondra, training partner (and commonwealth games gold medalist rower).


Talking with Andrew Starykowicz Part II

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