Norway 70.3 Open-Faced Salmon Avocado Sandwich

Norway 70.3 Open-Faced Salmon Avocado Sandwich


It turns out my trip to Norway last month got me more than just a $2750 novelty-sized check. The points I earned by finishing in second place qualified me for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships coming up on September 5. Competing in this race was one of my biggest goals for this season so I’m pretty excited to be given the opportunity to line up against the world’s best in Mont Tremblant, Quebec in a few weeks.


I was only in Norway for a few days, but I did my best to take in as much as I could. Most of my sightseeing was done during the 56 mile bike leg of the race. The scenery was stunning with winding roads and views of fjords around every corner. Even though we were way out in the countryside, there were local fans at top of every rise, cheering on everyone who rode by. It was cold and rainy, so the fans were bundled up in parkas and gloves. I stuck out as the crazy American racing in a bathing suit! Even though it was mid-July, this was not beach weather.

photo from


As for the food, everywhere I went, I saw open faced smoked fish sandwiches. I even had one (without the bread) the night before the race…and then the next morning I ran my fastest half marathon in years (1:23). Now that I’m back in training for this big race, I’ve been fueling with my own version of a Norwegian salmon sandwich, in hopes that it will power me to another top finish.




Open-Faced Salmon Avocado Sandwich


2 slices multi-grain bread

1/2 avocado, sliced

2-3 slices of smoked salmon

sliced cucumber 

fresh dill

How to Assemble:

Layer avocado slices on bread and mash down with a fork,

Top with a few slices of smoked salmon, a few slices of cucumber and some fresh dill.

Finish with a few grinds of pepper. 

Greek Yogurt with Cucumbers, Mint, Walnuts

Greek Yogurt with Cucumbers, Mint, Walnuts

Fall Race Schedule

Fall Race Schedule