The Big Island Acai Bowl


Most triathletes won't leave the Big Island without an acai bowl (or three) from Basik. This cafe is easily one of the top power fueling stations for hungry competitors and their creative combinations have inspired many of our own Athlete Food recipes. 

We plan on snacking on a Basik-inspired Kona Bowl during the opening leg of Saturday's race. It includes Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina (harvested not far from the race site) and is topped with fresh pineapple.

--Team AF

Big Island Bowl

serves 1

Blend the following until smooth:

1 package frozen acai

1 frozen banana

1/4 - 1/2 cup almond milk (amount depends on how much your blender needs to get going)

1 scoop Green Complete Spirulina Superfood poweder

1 tablespoon peanut butter

Top with:

granola, bee pollen, hemp seeds and fresh pineapple.

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Follow Along: A Rookie's Take on Kona