WatermelonMan Cookies


Imagine making homemade cookies without having to measure, clean up a floury mess, or turn on the oven. Well, we can’t promise you that. Sorry. But we do have an idea for you. How about a treat that you can take four or five of without feeling guilty (or getting a stomach ache)? 

These festive little watermelon “cookies” do just that. Judging by how quickly they disappear in our households, real cookies won’t even be missed. 


WatermelonMan Cookies

How to:

Start with a large, whole watermelon.** 

Remove the rind. This is how we do it: slice the ends off the watermelon so that you have two flat ends. Then cut it in half. Place the large end of one piece down on a cutting board and cut vertically from the top down to remove all the green and white parts. Repeat with other side. Carefully cut each piece lengthwise into 3-4 1/2”-3/4” inch rounds. 

Stamp out the cookies. Using a cookie cutter, stamp out “cookies” from the rounds. You’ll have leftovers. Use them for snacking or for juicing (you don’t need a juicer to make watermelon juice!). 

Decorate with sprinkles and serve. We used the flat confetti kind of sprinkles. If making these ahead of time, decorate just before serving, the sprinkles tend to melt a little if left on too long.

**The hardest part about this project is finding a whole watermelon in December. But they are out there! Most grocery stores sell cut watermelon year-round so just convince someone in the produce to sell you one from the stockroom.

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