We Won't Be Beeten: Roasted Beets with Tahini

Photo Nov 09, 2 29 54 PM.jpg

We're all about fresh from the garden vegetables, but when it comes to making a quick, healthy snack between workouts, we see nothing wrong with reaching for the freezer. Without our stash of frozen veggies, these roasted beets might very well be tortilla chips. And we consider it a win when we're eating a plate of food of super foods instead of a fistful of empty calories.

Also note: there are no measurements here. Who has time between a hard swim and a bike ride to make a recipe that involves measuring??

--Bec and Laurel

Roasted Beets with Tahini and Capers 

Serves 1 Hungry Athlete

1 package frozen beets (we found these Stahlbush beets at Whole Foods)

Olive Oil

Sea Salt & Pepper

Tahini or Hummus (our current favorite is Yehuda Tehina which is actually more like a cross between tahini and hummus)

Lemon Juice



Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Mix beets with olive oil (how much is up to you) and spread in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with tin foil. Sprinkle with a large pinch of sea salt. 

Bake for 20 minutes. While beets are cooking, mix tahini with a squeeze of lemon juice and a 1/2 teaspoon or so of olive oil.

Once beets are cool enough to handle, transfer to a plate, drizzle with tahini, and top with a sprinkle of paprika and capers. 



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