Bright Pink Assess Your Risk Quiz

Bright Pink Assess Your Risk Quiz

When Bright Pink, a national non-profit organization, contacted me to help spread the word about their mission, I immediately said, yes of course! If you are not familiar with Bright Pink, their mission is to educate women about the importance of knowing their risk for breast and ovarian cancer.  They provide women with information and resources needed to take risk-reducing action.  Bright Pink focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle rather than cancer, and they aim to inspire women to make behavior changes in order to improve their lives. Through they started their β€œAssess Your Risk” program (see the quiz below!) in 2013, they have already helped over a million women know and manage their breast and ovarian cancer risks. That’s pretty darn cool and completely aligns with my personal mission.

I love that Bright Pink focuses on a healthy lifestyle as a way to prevent these types of cancers. And, as a cancer survivor myself, I find that any and all tools to help women check in on themselves and their bodies are SO important. They have created a simple, easy to use online quiz that I recommend everyone to take the time to fill out. It gives personalized recommendations on your risks and how to proactively manage them. Check out the quiz here.

It’s free and takes only a few minutes, so there’s no reason NOT to do this.  Your future self will thank you! The more you know, the better prepared you are to take the steps necessary to reduce your risks. 

Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions. Here is the link to the quiz.

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Laurel 5th at Cozumel 70.3

Laurel 5th at Cozumel 70.3