Gluten Free Pizza Delivery!!

Gluten Free Pizza Delivery!!

The one thing I miss most about going gluten free is pizza, and specifically pizza delivery. I get downright hangry when a delivery guy gets in the elevator with the scent of pizza fresh from the oven wafting out from his bag. So unfair…until I realized that Papa John’s now has gluten free crust! Yessssss!

We used to order Papa John’s pizza after every swim meet growing up. I don’t think I have had it since, but tonight I was happy to find out it still tastes the same and is still totally satisfying after a big workout. I love the sauce and the crispy crust. Only difference is, now I add my own anchovies and hot sauce.

I’m so excited to add this into my takeaway dinner rotation.

You can check out more about the gluten free crust at Papa John’s here:

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