Farm Eggs and Spring Greens


This simple snack made the perfect second breakfast before a weekend bike ride. The greens, a mix of spinach, baby kale, baby mustard greens, and a few others I couldn’t identify, were so flavorful and peppery on their own that I left them raw. I fried the egg in a little olive oil, so that plus the egg yolk, salt, and pepper stood in for salad dressing. Since I had already eaten a full breakfast a few hours earlier, but felt like I needed a more calories before heading out for a bike ride, this light salad made the perfect second breakfast. 

SJ and I rode a 20 mile loop in an hour an 15 minutes. I did one of my favorite climbs (from Spur Road to the Steel Bridge in New Paltz) two minutes faster than two weeks ago. SJ "won" the climb, but I stayed with him until almost halfway, so that's progress.

For the curious, I ate a heaping scoop of steel-cut oats with apples and almonds for breakfast number one.         



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