Radish and Basil Toast

Today is one of those days. Wake up, eat, work out, eat, work out again, eat again, work out for a third time, and finally eat a full-sized meal. I started off with a big bowl of oats with a banana, protein powder, with some homemade apple sauce mixed in. During my first workout, a two hour bike trainer ride, I drank two bottles of sports drink and had a gel. After rides like this the last thing I feel like eating afterwards is anything sugary. Enter the savory second breakfast. 


If I have time, I'll make eggs (something like a fried egg with greens or a big egg sandwich). But these three workout days are a rush, so this simple radish toast does the trick. On a thick slice of whole grain bread (think Amy's Bread whole wheat with five grains **) spread some whipped cream cheese. Whipped cream cheese is lighter and easier to spread. Next, layer fresh basil leaves and thinly sliced radish. Finish with a pinch of sea salt and a few grinds of black pepper. And in the midst of a hard day of training, enjoy a gourmet snack!  


**I only pretend that I'm eating Amy's Bread. My typical stand-in is an Udi's gluten-free bagel. 


Challenge Atlantic City Champion!!

Fancy Fruit Salad