Athlete Food: Tumeric Frozen Yogurt

Yesterday was a BIG day. 85 hilly miles on the bike (the Peekamoose loop, for those interested) followed immediately by a challenging 5 mile trail run. All in, it was a 5+ hour exercise binge, and I loved every minute of it. 

Today is another story. I'm sore, achy, and was barely able to lift Amy out of her crib when she woke up at 5:30 this morning. 

This sort of soreness comes with the territory when training for a triathlon. And days like today are good reminders of the importance of recovery. It is necessary to give your body a chance to recharge so that it's ready to take on the next hard workout. 

So just how do I plan on doing that today? Here's my approach: 

1. Go for a SUPER easy bike ride or run to get the blood flowing to the legs.

2. Get ART (active release therapy) treatment from Fusion PT if there's something that seems particularly sore.

3. Eat turmeric to fight inflammation. I drink turmeric tea, sprinkle it over eggs and grate the fresh root into Indian Dal. Laurel has been drinking it in shot form at her local juice joint in Santa Monica (lemon, tumeric and honey). And, after recent reports from Melissa of her homemade frozen yogurt, I riffed off of her recipe to make an inflammation-fighting tumeric frozen treat. 

What do you do to recovery? Anyone else tried turmeric?


Tumeric Ginger Frozen Yogurt

Churn the flavored yogurt in an ice cream maker until thick and creamy. Or do what I did this morning: skip the freezing and top the unfrozen base with granola.

3 cups plain greek yogurt (I used 0%, but full-fat would make it creamier)

¼ cup honey

1 teaspoon tumeric

½ teaspoon cinnamon

Combine yogurt, honey, turmeric, and cinnamon. Transfer to ice cream maker and churn according to your machines' instructions.

Wildflower Triathlon - 3rd place!

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