All in Treats

Yesterday was a BIG day. 85 hilly miles on the bike (the Peekamoose loop, for those interested) followed immediately by a challenging 5 mile trail run. All in, it was a 5+ hour exercise binge, and I loved every minute of it. 

Today is another story. I'm sore, achy, and was barely able to lift Amy out of her crib when she woke up at 5:30 this morning. 

purely elizabeth's Oatmeal Cherry Chocolate Cookies

When it comes to baking gluten-free cookies, I tend to stick to mixes. I figure, if someone has taken the time to figure out a mix of ingredients that make gluten-free cookies taste like the real thing, just go with it. I came to this conclusion after spending the time and energy to make gluten-free cookies from scratch.

Most pro triathletes spend the winter at training camp, putting in grueling hours of work in order to prepare for the upcoming season. Instead of spending my days trail running, going on group rides and smashing swim sets, I spent the winter recovering from a C-section and waking up at in the wee hours to feed my newborn daughter. For the first time in my career, I kicked off the racing season while easing into training—slowly and solo.