Nike+ Half-Marathon/Ironman NY Run Course

This morning a group of us met at the NYC Ironman transition area in Palisades Park for a freezing 13.1 mile training run. This was my first time checking out the River Road course on foot.  I’ve ridden my bike there a million times, but that proved to be no indication of HARD of a run course this is.  It is Quassy Rev3 hard. The only other course I can think of to compare it to is the Bermuda Triathlon, but that was only a 10k.  We ran the first half of the course, a two-lap out and back section on River Road.  This section is really pretty and will be shaded in August. The part of the course we didn’t see appears to be easier, although that section includes a big hill up to the GW Bridge. 

As you can see from my up and down splits, this is not a get into a rhythm and run course.  Even though I felt like I was running a constant pace, my splits were all over the place.  At about eight miles my legs first started feeling cold and with about two miles to go, things started to feel frozen. 

It was great to have so many people out there running and supporting each other.  People joined us from at least 4 different states, including at least 2 LIVESTRONG wearing cancer survivors.  

We’re planning on doing this again, so follow our tweets for announcements.  



Overall:  1:34 (7:11 average)


By the way second from the left above is PX.  He is bundled up because he's about to ride his bike home after the run.  He rode up to the run as well and when he arrived his kit was covered with ice.  To the left of Paul that's Sarah W. Flynn.  She runs faster than most people would ever dream of running without even breaking a sweat.  Laurel's in the yellow hat--she ran in baggy sweatpants to make the rest of us look bad.  Meghan Newcomer, who took the photo, had a great run, pushing the pace the entire way.  -Bec

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